"If only you knew what's on the other side, you won't stop here and you won't quit now!" -CHERYL DAVIS


This is what I whisper to myself in my most doubtful, yet weary moments: "Cheryl, If only you knew what's on the other side, you won't stop here and you won't quit now."
This is my daily encouragement that I speak over myself and that I now speak over you too! Truth is, No matter how much you trust in God and believe that He won't fail you. You will always have a HUMAN MOMENT! 
The HUMAN MOMENT that causes you to doubt, causes you to grow weary, and causes you to fold when you encounter opposition. You're not wrong for having a HUMAN MOMENT but what If I told you that if you allow your Human Moment to rob you of the opportunities that are on the other side of the opposition, you’re willingly forfeiting your destiny?... Tuh!...Nah, gone are the days where we handed over what belong to us, all because the pressure of life's circumstances intensified more and more!...
One thing for sure, two things for certain Cheryl always pushes back on what's pushing up against her. Never going down without a fight. "I know there's greatness in me that I can't fully comprehend nor explain, but there's just something in me that believes that if I fight through the opposition, I'll discover a depth of me that I never knew all while obtaining what God has predestined for me."...
Cheryl's hearts desire is to challenge and encourage you to not allow your reality to cause you to accept that this is all it'll ever be... I speak your name and say to you too, "If only you knew what's on the other side, you won't stop here and you won't quit now!"